Plastic Carbon Footprint

Plastic production begins with the extraction of raw material from earth, such as oils, natural gas, coal, and crude oil. Though plastic mainly derived from fossil, it can also be produced from renewable sources, such as plants, algae or bacteria. These are called bioplastics, unlike plastic from fossil fuels, bioplastic is biodegradable or compostable within 12-24 months (if not ended up in the ocean or landfill), but unfortunately, plastic from renewable sources have some drawbacks, such as expensive production and lower performance.

Surprisingly, the production of plastic in the last ten years is exceeding the whole plastic production in the last century. In 2012, Asia accounted for about 51% of the global plastic production, followed by Europe with 18%, North America with 17%, and the rest of the world with 14%. The global plastics production was estimated at 390 million metric tons in 2021, yet bioplastic represents less than 1% of the total.

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A Story of Plastic

Plastic can be a threat to animal life, damaging the environment which in turn harms human life. Plastic has become a problem for more than a decade, yet many still neglect its potential damage. Recycling can be a solution to this problem, but plastic waste is still poorly managed by some governments.

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Nuclear Energy is great, but why is it abandoned?

Nuclear Energy has been around for more than 60 years. It is well known as a clean source of energy as it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions during the generation of electricity. This is in contrast to fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which release a huge amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses when they are burning. However, nuclear energy comes with costs, its waste product has an environmental impact that is considered to be dangerous and even lethal for many years if not managed well.

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Dead Zone has Deadly Consequences

A Dead zone is an inhabitable area in the ocean. This occurs because the oxygen level is below 2 milliliters per liter. Such a phenomenon is threatening the biodiversity of the marine ecosystem as well as worsening climate change, as the ocean plays a big role against climate by absorbing excess heat and carbon dioxide. This issue has also caused an economic loss of over 80 million a year.

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Damages driven by climate changes

Climate change has brought many changes into our lives, and a lot of them are bad. Many industries have been threatened by such a  problem. The problem is continuing to rise and  need quick actions or damages will become worse. Far in the future, climate change might be the culprit of what makes this planet uninhabitable. Sounds exaggerated, but considering the effects, it might be possible to happen.

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A big role played by CO2

We all know that the earth is getting warmer, but why we blamed CO2 as the reason?

The atmosphere is one of the reasons the earth is habitable. That because it has a role to protect us from the sun radiation and also keep our planet warm. Unlike earth, the moon doesn’t have an atmosphere, thus, make the moon’s temperature ranging from minus 173 C up to 127 C. When the radiation hit the earth surface, it bounces up to the atmosphere then back again to the surface then back again to the atmosphere, and so on. This process happened for several times until it escapes from our atmosphere.

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